The KFC branches in Kuching that i always go are:
Saberkas, Cause its near to my campus..
3rd mile, will passby and when we used to decide to take meal at Pizza Hut, Sudd change to KFC just downstairs. Hahaha
Tabuan Jaya. Used to be near to my house.
Well, I took my dinner at KFC, Tabuan Jaya Branches on Sunday and Tues. Huh! It's alot of FAT in my body now.. I tell myself, i wont go into any KFC for 2 months. Hope i can make it!! Hehehe.. Both me and my mum ordered the dinner plate as its dinner time mar. Actually is i want to eat more Fried Chicken lar.. Hahaa.. My mum only like Drumstick, so i ordered whole plate of drumstick set for her. Well, for me, i dont like chicken wings, other still ok for me. I just felt that Chicken Wings are Meatless and not worth it!
Well, i tried to ask for whole plate of drumstick before at other branches, they just told me:
" I'm sorry sir, according to the law, we have to mix it with chicken wing, drumstick and also chicken breast meat! "
Fuck you! Customer rights owes the Priority ok?!!
This Tabuan Jaya's Branch did a very good Job! hahaha.. * Thumbs Up for them~~!! *
Damn it! The workers shall steal one and put into their mouth either!!
I like Cheezy Wedges very much and everytime when i pay a visit to KFC, i'm sure to order a set of Dinner plate, One Large Cheeze ( they normally will shout like this when u order a cheezy wedges. Dont believe? Notice it! Haha..) and also a cup of Orange ( without Ice) or Milo Ice sometimes.
Actually i'm too hungry and if u r Investigate type of ppl, u shall notice my Smashed Potatoes Being DIGGED! hahaha..
well, an extra Knowledge for those KFC lovers...
Saberkas: Meat often not 100% Cook with strange smell but still can be eaten. Cheezy Wedges is at normal Quantity.
3rd Mile: Meat is ok. Cheezy wedges quite alot.
Tabuan Jaya: Fried Chickens are delicious but the cheezy is so so Pls la.. The only place that i success ask for Whole plate of drumstick in any meal set. :P~
Sarawak Plaza: Both is so Normal.
Hopoh: Cheezy Wedges quite alot. Chicken nth special...
Saberkas: Meat often not 100% Cook with strange smell but still can be eaten. Cheezy Wedges is at normal Quantity.
3rd Mile: Meat is ok. Cheezy wedges quite alot.
Tabuan Jaya: Fried Chickens are delicious but the cheezy is so so Pls la.. The only place that i success ask for Whole plate of drumstick in any meal set. :P~
Sarawak Plaza: Both is so Normal.
Hopoh: Cheezy Wedges quite alot. Chicken nth special...
In a Gift Shop located at Hock Lee Centre...
When i just walked into the shop, i'm attracted to a BIG and HUGE Snoopy on top of the Shelfs. I don't find it special to be blog out here but when i look at the price, i decided to take out my handphone and snap this Stupid Idiot Thingy!
When i just walked into the shop, i'm attracted to a BIG and HUGE Snoopy on top of the Shelfs. I don't find it special to be blog out here but when i look at the price, i decided to take out my handphone and snap this Stupid Idiot Thingy!
Do u noe how much this Snoopy cost?
Rm 289.90 !!!!
If it a kind of High-Quality Furly Snoopy costing Rm150 i can still aceept it but this??
Sigh!! Guess no one will buy this home and feed it with a Cup of Blood everyday! hahahahahaha...
Some weird and cute or nice shots on the Gifts in that shop...
Some Dirty minded ppl will say, The Cat is making business.
" Pay Me and i will give u a Lick!! "
This will absolutely come out from their Mnd. Haha
For me i won't but u? Dont know.. No comment!
U know wad happen if one day u married with the one u keep on calling PIG?
Nah.. Let u imagine urself.. hahahaha..
They are looking at my cam.
p/s: i Craps alot nowadays rite? Hahaha.. Well, Crapping makes u Enjoy too.. believe it! Simply a Rubbish joke can make u laugh whole day! Hahaha.. have a Rubbish Day! :P~
the spongebob is so cute ~~!! kekeke
I thought u wan say me cute le Pikey? hahaha.. :P
Wonder why I missed this post.
I prefer McD than KFC, cuz most of the KFC shops got this strong smell of boiling oil... Anyway, they have no rights on not allow customer to choose the part of chickens. Should ask to meet the manager straight away.
Hehe, the "Lego" cost more because maybe you can get creative and DIY yourself to modify it into a sleeping snoopy...
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