Wednesday, November 28, 2007

November Trip.... Sabah and Sarawak..

Yesterday, 27th November 2007, I arrived at Kuching at around 6.30pm. I started my trip with my family on the 17th November 2007. My dad drives all the way through from Kuching to Sabah. Its kinda long journey to go, although tiring owes sit in the car but its an enjoyable and worthful trip.

We went to Sabah and gone thru lots of places... All of it, I 1st time step in Brunei and Sabah. Well, I like both places very much.. Sabah i mean KK got lots of nice environment places and i think its better than Kuching.

Map of Sabah~

Map of Sarawak.

Well, my trip this time is like this...


This are the places I went for this trip. And for sure, i took lots of picz of those places and food. I will post it one by one but i really need time to arrange all the photoes and divide it according to the place. Its all mix up in my cam..

Stay Tune~


Anonymous said...

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Balenion said...

@ Crescenet
Thanks for viewing my blog. But i cant understand wad u said. Can u speak english?? :P